Garo Aroian
Garo Aroian 12 minute read

Migrating your CRM from to HubSpot? This article cuts through the complexity, providing you with a clear roadmap for a successful monday to HubSpot migration. No jargon, no unnecessary detail—just the essential steps you need to know, followed by an in-depth exploration of each phase of the migration process, so you can get started with confidence.


Key Takeaways

  • Migrating from monday sales CRM to HubSpot CRM involves careful planning, assessing current CRM features and pricing, and preparing a structured data migration to improve lead and sales management with HubSpot’s intuitive platform.

  • A successful CRM migration includes backing up and cleaning data, choosing the right migration tools, and using a detailed pre-migration checklist to ensure a meticulous and error-free transfer process.

  • Post-migration strategies are crucial for leveraging HubSpot CRM’s full potential which includes training the team, setting up advanced CRM features, regular performance monitoring, and adjustments for maximum efficiency and productivity in sales and marketing efforts.


Understanding the Migration Process


When considering a CRM migration, one must grasp the differences in platform and data accessibility between the old and the new system. In our case, we’re looking at a transition from monday sales CRM to HubSpot CRM, a system renowned for its simplicity, user-friendliness, and effectiveness in managing leads and sales.

Migration doesn’t have to be a headache. With streamlined CRM migration services offered by services like Elefante RevOps, the process can be smooth and stress-free. By understanding these methods, you can ensure a successful migration while minimizing disruption to your business operations.

Assessing Your Current CRM Setup

Before you can leap into a new CRM setup, it’s essential to take a good look at your current one. This involves analyzing your business's specific existing monday sales CRM, in terms of monday sales CRM pricing, features, and how well it stands in serving your specific business needs, especially when considering monday sales crm plans.

12.6% year-on-year (YoY) growth of CRM adoption -

Planning Your HubSpot CRM Structure

Planning your HubSpot CRM structure is the next crucial step in your migration journey. Organizing your data efficiently is fundamental for a smooth transition. It involves structuring the data into distinct objects such as:

  • Contacts

  • Companies

  • Deals

  • Tickets

One of the many advantages of HubSpot is its intuitive and user-friendly interface, with robust features, making collaboration a breeze. This makes integration into the new system a breeze. Plus, with a well-planned structure, you can fully leverage HubSpot’s ability technical expertise to offer the best CRM solution for your business needs.

Choosing the Right Data Migration Tools

Choosing the right tools for data migration is another critical step in this process. You need to be familiar with the structure and terminology of data fields in both monday sales CRM and HubSpot CRM to ensure compatibility.

Integration platforms come in handy during this step. They help transform and synchronize the data fields between the two CRMs, ensuring a seamless transition. With the right data migration tools, integration options and integrations, the switch to HubSpot CRM becomes not just feasible, but efficient and effective.


Pre-Migration Checklist

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Once you’ve assessed your current setup, planned your new structure, and chosen your data migration tools, it’s time to prepare for the big move. A comprehensive pre-migration checklist is fundamental for a seamless transition to new platform. It aids in process automation and tool integration, ensuring a smooth and successful migration.

This checklist should include important steps like backing up your data, cleaning your data, and notifying your team. Each of these steps plays a crucial role in ensuring not only downside just a smooth transition, but also the effective use of your new HubSpot CRM system once the migration is complete.

Backup Your Data

Backing up your data is the first and perhaps the most crucial step in your pre-migration checklist. Before you even initiate the migration from monday sales CRM to HubSpot CRM, it’s essential to back up your entire dataset. This is a critical precaution to prevent any potential loss of information during the migration process.

There are several ways to back up your data from monday sales CRM. You can export your data to CSV files or use built-in monday sales CRM tools. Regardless of the method, it’s crucial to ensure that your backed-up data includes all pertinent information and is stored securely, with access limited to authorized personnel only.

Clean Up Your Data

The next step on your pre-migration checklist is data cleaning. This involves removing redundant, obsolete, or incorrect information from your CRM before the transfer. A clean, error-free dataset ensures a smoother migration process.

It’s advisable to review the source CRM and identify outdated parameters that do not need to be transferred to the new system. This streamlines the migration process and ensures that your new CRM system—HubSpot—is efficient and free from unnecessary clutter. Remember, data cleaning should be a collaborative effort between the sales and marketing teams to ensure the CRM database is streamlined and efficient.

Notify Your Team

The final step in your pre-migration checklist is to notify your team about the upcoming migration. Communicating the migration timeline free plan, and expected changes to the sales and marketing teams is critical to ensure a smooth transition to HubSpot CRM.

Securing the buy-in of decision-makers and users is crucial for the move to a new CRM platform. Encourage their involvement in providing business insights and identifying any issues after the migration. Effective project management plays a key role in managing projects and ensuring a smooth transition. After all, a well-informed team is a well-prepared team.


Executing the Migration


With your data backed up, cleaned, and your team notified, it’s time to execute the migration. The migration process is initiated once all the pre-migration checklist items are confirmed to be complete. The migration process will begin with the transfer of foundational data such as:

  • contacts

  • companies

  • deals

  • tasks

Data fields from monday sales CRM stands are mapped to corresponding fields in HubSpot CRM, ensuring seamless integration when monday sales, unlike HubSpot CRM stands are utilized.

Following foundational data, advanced data such as notes, email history, and custom fields are migrated. Special attention is given to data that requires transformation or merging to fit into HubSpot’s data model. Third-party tools or scripts may be used to transfer data that does not directly map onto HubSpot’s native fields.

A comprehensive log of all data transfer transactions is maintained for record-keeping and troubleshooting any issues post-migration.

91% of businesses with over 11 employees now use CRM, compared to 50% of those with 10 employees or less -

Data Mapping and Transfer

Correct data mapping and transfer are critical in the migration process. In HubSpot, data is organized by objects like:

  • contact

  • company

  • deal

  • ticket

with properties covering demographic information and behavioral data. This structure requires comprehensive mapping from the previous CRM system.

Services like Trujay specialize in analyzing existing data and mapping fields from the current CRM to HubSpot, ensuring a matching structure and seamless migration. With proper data mapping, you can avoid duplicate records and maintain the integrity of the customer journey.

Customization and Integration

Customizing your integrations into your new HubSpot CRM to suit your unique business needs is the next step in the migration process. Integration into the new system is facilitated by its intuitive and collaborative-friendly interface. This intuitive interface makes customization and integration into the new system a breeze.

A critical aspect of customization options is the creation of custom views, lists, and reports, which are crucial for database segmentation and workflow triggers. Advanced marketing features in HubSpot such as reporting dashboards and sales automation contribute to a more streamlined and effective CRM strategy.

Testing and Validation

After the transition to HubSpot CRM, it’s crucial to perform an audit that assesses all data and workflows to confirm there are no omissions or errors from the migration process. This involves:

  • Defining data formats

  • Applying formulas and functions to manipulate the data

  • Using filters and regular expressions to ensure that only valid data is accepted.

Testing and validation of data in HubSpot CRM post-migration ensure that the new system works as intended. It involves a meticulous process that guarantees the accuracy and proper functioning of the new system, laying the groundwork for your team to make the most out of HubSpot CRM.


Post-Migration Strategies


With the migration complete, it’s time to focus on maximizing the benefits of HubSpot CRM. This involves:

  • Implementing post-migration strategies like team training

  • Setting up advanced features

  • Monitoring adjustments

  • Leveraging HubSpot’s integration capabilities to significantly enhance automation across sales and marketing teams, streamlining customer management post-migration.

Whether it’s training your team to use the new CRM, setting up advanced features, or monitoring and adjusting your CRM strategy, each of these post-migration strategies plays by just a few clicks a crucial role in ensuring that your business reaps the full benefits of the new HubSpot CRM system.

Training Your Team

Training your team on HubSpot CRM’s features popular tools and functionalities is essential for effective utilization task management of the platform. HubSpot Academy offers excellent resources for teams to master the platform’s tools to drive traffic, obtain leads, and secure sales.

Creating a ‘Learning Pathway’ within HubSpot CRM can guide team training, with tasks linked to specific Academy courses tailored to various organizational roles. HubSpot workflows email templates can be used to enhance training strategies by sending targeted content over a learning period, which can be complemented with personalized coaching sessions.

Setting Up Advanced Features

Implementing advanced features in HubSpot CRM can enhance your sales and marketing strategies and streamline processes. HubSpot’s customization process includes the creation of custom views, lists, and reports, which are crucial for database segmentation and workflow triggers.

Advanced features in the HubSpot products such as reporting dashboards and sales automation contribute to a more streamlined and effective CRM strategy. Lead scoring in HubSpot allows for a strategic approach to handle leads by prioritizing them based on their scores, while HubSpot’s feature to prioritize social interactions allows users to focus their efforts on the most impactful engagements, streamlining the process of managing social media.

Monitoring and Adjusting

Regularly monitoring the performance of email automation sequences, triggers, and overall CRM functionality is crucial to track campaign performance after moving to HubSpot CRM. This helps identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments for optimal performance.

Companies must also maintain and clean their HubSpot CRM databases regularly to ensure data quality and accuracy. This supports better sales productivity and effective customer communication. By utilizing customer relationship management, CRM-powered surveys within HubSpot can gather customer feedback, contributing to improved customer care.


Leveraging HubSpot's Full Potential

Now that you’ve migrated to HubSpot CRM, it’s time to leverage its full potential. HubSpot CRM offers a wealth of features that can significantly enhance your sales and marketing efforts. Some key features of HubSpot CRM include:

  • Integrated blogging tools

  • Customizable popup forms

  • Lead tracking and management

  • Email marketing automation

  • Social media integration

  • Sales pipeline management

With these features, HubSpot CRM is now powerful automation capabilities designed to help you drive traffic, obtain leads, and secure sales, all in one solution.

The CRM platform offers the following CRM solutions features:

  • Customizable popup forms for converting website visitors into leads without the need for coding

  • A drag-and-drop builder to create responsive squeeze pages that convert clicks into subscribers

  • Facilitation of the creation of highly targeted advertising campaigns to reach specific audience segments, enabling more tailored customer engagement.

Utilizing the Marketing Hub

HubSpot’s Marketing Hub is a powerful tool that offers the following features:

  • Measuring and optimizing marketing campaigns

  • Driving traffic to your website

  • Generating leads

  • Analytics, reports, and dashboards to measure campaign performance

To evaluate the success of marketing emails, the email dashboard in HubSpot CRM displays trends and metrics such as open rates, click rates, and deliverability outcomes. Reports on marketing campaigns can be saved, monitored, and further examined with HubSpot CRM’s custom report builder, which combines email metrics with CRM data.

A targeted list of contacts can be created within HubSpot for more personalized and effective marketing communications.

70% of sales reps think CRM closes more deals. -

Sales Hub Advantages

The HubSpot Sales Hub in HubSpot CRM offers the following features:

  • Simplifies the process of managing leads in a centralized database to streamline sales outreach

  • Allows for the embedding of videos into sales collateral

  • Provides tools to measure the performance of videos

With the Sales Hub, you can track your sales teams’ performance, automate tedious tasks, capture leads and ensure that your sales process runs as smoothly as possible using effective sales tools. This ultimately boosts sales team collaboration and productivity and helps your company achieve its revenue goals.

Customer Support and Resources

HubSpot CRM offers comprehensive customer support options like a community forum, knowledge base, and HubSpot Academy with training videos. The HubSpot knowledge base is an accessible resource customers can use to obtain vital information for informed decision-making.

Customers can utilize HubSpot’s customer portal to resolve basic issues independently, helping to streamline the support process. This self-service approach not only increases customer satisfaction but also reduces the load on your customer support team.


In conclusion, migrating from monday sales CRM systems to HubSpot CRM is a process that requires careful planning, execution, and post-migration strategies. But with the right approach, it can be a smooth and beneficial transition.

The versatility and robustness of HubSpot CRM, coupled with its excellent customer support and rich resource pool, make it a worthy choice for businesses looking to optimize their CRM strategy. Remember, the key to a successful migration lies not just in the transition itself, but in fully leveraging the potential of your new CRM system.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of data standardization in a CRM system?

Data standardization in a CRM system is important as it ensures consistent and organized data entry, which is vital for effective customer communication and contact management.

What are the steps involved in the migration process?

To migrate your CRM, you need to assess your current setup, plan the new CRM structure, choose data migration tools, execute the migration, and implement post-migration strategies. Date or version are not necessary.

Why is it crucial to back up data before migration?

It is crucial to back up data before migration to prevent any potential loss of information during the process. Protect your data.

How can HubSpot CRM enhance sales and marketing strategies?

HubSpot CRM can enhance sales and marketing strategies by providing integrated tools for driving traffic, obtaining leads, and securing sales. With features like highly customizable, popup forms and integrated blogging tools, it enables a more streamlined approach to these efforts.

What customer support options does HubSpot CRM offer?

HubSpot CRM offers comprehensive customer support options, including a community forum, knowledge base, and HubSpot Academy with training videos. These resources are designed to provide assistance and guidance to users.